Helping you build better habits.
Dec. 20, 2023

Hilary Star de Roy and Eric W. Bolyard: Celebrating the Small Wins

Hilary Star de Roy and Eric W. Bolyard: Celebrating the Small Wins

Hilary Star de Roy is the owner and founder of Royal Native), a line of one of a kind clothing, sustainably sourced and handmade from vintage textiles in NYC. She opened an eponymous shop in February of 2023 in Locust Valley, NY that features small female owned brands and vintage housewares by The Thrifocrat as well as her own designs. 

Eric W. Bolyard is the owner of Black & Bolyard, where he fabricates a handcrafted line of artisanal toasted Brown Butters for the professional kitchen and home. He is also the Managing Partner and Exec Chef at the Parisian-based Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels in the heart of SoHo, reinventing the culinary program to support the world-class wine list. 

In this episode, Hilary and Eric join Michael to talk about their family dynamic during the holidays, the importance of small wins, how to handle the stresses of running businesses, and so much more. 
